Criminal Aspects Featured Posts From Stacy Makhnevich


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Champlain Collapse

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

Iowa apartment collapse

Iowa apartment collapse leaves residents missing, rubble too dangerous to search

Stacy Makhnevich 


Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Hi Mike,
Do you remember Wentworth Management that managed the building around 2007 and on? Did you know that Wentworth Management and First Service Residential aka Cooper Square etc are all the same entities ?   FirstService Residential, FirstService that generates over US$2.2 BILLION in annual revenues (NASDAQ: FSRV, TSX: FSV,) operating in multiple states (including New York) aka Euclid Management aka Continental aka Starr Management aka Armstrong Management Services, Cooper Square aka Wentworth Management and many many more aliases or “subsidiaries “ that put hundreds of lives (including mine and yours and apt 4N and all other 89 units in our building) in imminent danger, ignoring foreseeable risks and refusing to assume any responsibility in their apparent effort to prioritize profit over people’s safety and further engaged in an an elaborate criminal actions (geared to silence any complainant) with an illegal scheme  and CORPORATE fraud using multiple NAMES, ALIASES and CORPORATIONS.
FirstService searches for buildings with  the construction defect in the building , does not maintain buildings, does not inspect, does not repair , evades all complaints , recruits “politicians”  on the board for a building to award legal, construction defect and other work for the associations to entities controlled by the FirstService and its co-conspirators while performing minimal work, evade all complaints, and sell the residential units affected to multiple shell corporations.
Have your read about Champlain Towers?
Champlain Towers South, a 12-story upscale condominium in Miami Surfside, Florida that has collapsed in 2021. Ninety- eight people died.Conveniently, there were NO registered complaints to that effect.”  (See major news channels. Investigation is ongoing. 
Wall Street Journal Report here:
Washington Post Report here:
And Public records that show “The emails sent to Miguel Ubiles of FirstService Residential, the HOA for Images Condominiums, described significantly rotted wood framing” and additional rot in wooden columns, the report said” The report was similarly ignored by property managers all under the same First Service Residential (additional information here :
FirstService Residential is a property managing company for hundreds of building in New York, Florida and multiple other states in the USA using multiple aliases/“subsidiaries “such as Euclid Management aka Continental aka Armstrong Management Services aka Wentworth Management aka Cooper Square aka CitiLine Management and many many more aliases or “subsidiaries “ that they are hiding under to diffuse responsibility for their actions.
  1. First Service Residential (“FSR” or “FirstService”) has been investigated for fraud, kickbacks and corruption.
  2. First Service Residential license was suspended for 60 days as a result of a consent order in Virginia. (Attached exhibit )
  3. First Service Residential is a complete fraud rotating their managers every year from building to building to diffuse responsibility. I made multiple requests to address my complaints which were not addressed by a “new” manager. 
  4. Equally First Service Residential started using its “subsidiaries”/ “aliases”, Dependable Property Management ( to process invoices, a shell corporation registered in NY in 2004 that stopped filing biennial statements from 2010 and had been in past due status with the Department of Corporations for close to 12 (twelve) YEARS until they were faced with the New York State Division of Licensing  Investigation with their mandatory response under Article 12-A §442-e (5). (Exhibits A, H,).
  5. Domestic and foreign business corporations are required by Section 408 of the Business Corporation Law to file a Biennial Statement every two years with the New York Department of State. The second to last biennial statement that has been filed by Dependable Property Management was in 2008 (see attached exhibit H,) and finally filed again in September 2022 , after  12 (twelve) YEARS of non compliance.
  6. Notably, the Chief operating Officer for “Dependable Property Management “, is ALEXANDER KARASIK, an  attorney whose practice involves personal injury and “Corporate & Business”. Mr. Karasik is certainly well versed on all aspects of mandatory compliance of filing biennial statements but chose non compliance for close to 12 (twelve) years. (See attached exhibits 
First Service searches for buildings with defects and recruit “politicians “ who vote to award legal, construction defect and other work for the associations to entities controlled by the FirstService and its co-conspirators. In my case, by registering RANDY SULZER as an Officer for The Board of Managers of 2900 Ocean Condominium (“The Board”) and a managing agent, First Service Residential was allowed to choose and maintain insurance coverage for the building and its employees for which they received or participated in commissions and/or fees arising out of any insurance placed on the building or services performed to be paid to agent by any carrier or paid to owner’s insurance broker by any carrier.
The Department’s Building Information Summary Report lists Randy Sulzer ,as an Officer for 2900 Ocean Condominium, and the Managing Agent for the building (along with First Service Residential). Randy Sulzer assumed a dual role as an Officer for the Board and the managing agent -in an apparent conflict of interests. (Exhibit B, E)
Presidential Elections:
Despite of the fact that the presidential elections should be held annually, Bishop conspired with FSR / “Dependable Management” to intentionally refrain from holding the annual elections. 
They refused to hold a single annual meeting from 2019 . After multiple tenants (including myself) extensively questioned their fraudulent practices for years , without providing any advance notice, they posted an annual meeting notice 4 days before the meeting in the elevator, laundry room and a back corridor scheduling the said annual meeting for 05/22/23 few days before most residents have already made plans for their Memorial Day vacations.
As a result of their collaborate and fraudulent attempts to properly post advance notices, only 18 people (out of 89)  attended the meeting . This is all done on purpose with an agenda to continue their rogue operations unrepremanded.
Please see attached.
8 attachments — Download all attachments
Exhibit B  HPD .pdf
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Exhibit D FSR order.pdf
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Exhibit E- 654508_2019_Stacy_Makhnevich_v_Stacy_Makhnevich_EXHIBIT_S__120.pdf
451K View as HTML Download
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Exhibit H  Dependable DOS.pdf
1149K View as HTML Download
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See also: 

Champlain Collapse

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

Iowa apartment collapse

Iowa apartment collapse leaves residents missing, rubble too dangerous to search

Missing man’s body recovered at Iowa apartment collapse site; two others still missing – Local 22/44 News


Local 22/44 News

Missing man’s body recovered at Iowa apartment collapse site; two others still missing – Local 22/44 News

Missing man’s body recovered at Iowa apartment collapse site; two others still missing  Local 22/44 News

Selected Articles Review at 11 a.m. [Inoreader digest]

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