Categories Condo Law & Practices 200 seniors at Mississauga’s Chartwell assisted living home in shock after surprise eviction notice to make way for … – The Pointer Post author By Mike Nova Post date April 21, 2024 Spread the News! Listen to this article 200 seniors at Mississauga’s Chartwell assisted living home in shock after surprise eviction notice to make way for … The Pointer Spread the News! ← @anders_aslund: RT by @mikenov: The adoption of the Ukraine support act by the House of representatives appears a major setback for Trump. 1. He failed to deliver to his master in the Kremlin. 2. He managed to split the GOP faction in the middle = Trump does not control the GOP in the House. → @IsraeliPM: RT by @mikenov: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “Why is this night different, citizens of Israel? On this night, 133 of our dear brothers and sisters are not around the Seder table, and they are still held hostage by Hamas in hellish conditions.