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To: Michael Aizin: Who are the members of the Board that you are referring to, what are their names, and in what documents are these persons mentioned? If the Board did not exist materially, in documents, or if the Board was not able to function for some reasons, it means, that for practical intents and purposes it did not exist.

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To: Michael Aizin, Attorney at Law 26 Court Sreet, Suite 2511,  Brooklyn NY 11242 

Dear Mr. Aizin: 

“Re: Breach of 2900 Ocean”, etc.: Who are the members of the Board that you are referring to, what are their names, and in what documents are these persons mentioned? Please, provide the exact answers to these questions before we go any further. I attempted to get these documents and information for the last several months, without any results, of course. Please, also supply me with the copies of the Bylaws and other relevant to this discussion documents. I could not get them either. You know that these documents have to be available on request. If the Board did not exist materially, in documents, or if the Board was not able to function for some reasons, it means, that for practical intents and purposes it did not exist, and therefore the accusations that you listed in your “Re” are immaterial, baseless, and without merit. Please see my preliminary response to this and other issues that you have raised in this recent post: “The rage of Ms. Bishop …” 

As I mentioned in that post, I am in the process of retaining a lawyer, and you will get the main response from him. At mean time, please be so kind to release the requested by me information, according with the provisions of the laws. 


Michael Novakhov 


This communication was emailed on 7.1.23, about 4 PM.

See a copy of Mr. Aizin’s letter here: scan_legal1 

See a copy of the Condo’s Bylaws here: By Laws 2900 Ocean Condo 

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