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@petersthoughts: RT by @mikenov: REMEMBER! THEY LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING! @pfizer_news @moderna_tx @JNJNews @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @CDCgov @RWalensky @ScottGottliebMD #Fauci @DrLeanaWen @ASlavitt @BillGates Dr. Deborah Birx has confessed to cover-up that Coronavirus came from a China lab

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THEY LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING!@pfizer_news@moderna_tx@JNJNews@JoeBiden@KamalaHarris@CDCgov@RWalensky@ScottGottliebMD#Fauci@DrLeanaWen@ASlavitt@BillGates

Dr. Deborah Birx has confessed to cover-up that Coronavirus came from a China lab

— Peter McConeghy (@petersthoughts) June 5, 2024

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