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9:21 AM 7/9/2023 – The Summary Of Issues: The situation when Ms. Bishop very likely was fraudulently elected, and then for 35 years was reappointed because of “no quorums”, most likely engineered by not mailing out the prior notices, is absolutely unacceptable. It is the travesty and the perversion of the democratic process and the customs of this country.

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Grace Bishop and her minions attack my computer, trying to disable it and prevent me and other Condo owners from dismissing her and holding the election. The NY AG office and the NY FBI have to pay very close attention to this issue! | 6.25.23


2:34 PM 7/5/2023 – Posts Review – 

The Summary Of Issues

The situation when Ms. Bishop very likely was fraudulently elected, and then for 35 years was reappointed because of “no quorums”, most likely engineered by not mailing out the prior notices, is absolutely unacceptable. It is the travesty and the perversion of the democratic process and the customs of this country. – 7:57 AM 7/5/2023 – Dear Mr. Aizin: I have to repeat one of the main questions: Who is on the Board? Where is the Board?  

“… big shiny GOLDEN letters all over the decaying shreds of the US Constitution, and especially its First Amendment: the matters “NEW” (e.g.: as in “New Board”, “New managing agent”, “New Board members”) and “OLD” (e.g.: as in “good OLD Russian mob” – 11:42 AM 7/3/2023 – Dear Mr. Aizin: All things “NEW” must be deleted! Or it will not be order in the Condo world!  – 

7:50 AM 7/3/2023 – To Mr. Aizin: Please also present the proves that such a claimed Board of Directors really exists … If such incontrovertible proves are not presented, it is logical to conclude that Ms. Bishop is not a member of the Board, and no such Board exists. And if Ms. Bishop is not the member of the Board, she has no right to spend the condo’s money on her personal legal issues … – 

If Ms. Bishop wants to get engaged into legal battles, let her pay for it herself! – 

6:58 PM 7/3/2023 – Dear Mr. Aizin: Ms. Bishop was not and is not LEGALLY the member of the Board, according to Bylaws.

Dear Mr. Aizin:

The situation with Ms. Bishop’s liens 35 years ago is addressed in the sections of Bylaws quoted below. Section 2.7 says specifically and very clearly, that “no unit owner may be elected to serve … if the Board has perfected a lien … not paid at the time of the election”. 

The Section 2.9 (B) of the Bylaws states that lack of qualification described above in the Section 2.7 is equivalent to the automatic resignation of the Board membership “effective as of the date upon which such qualification shall cease.” It means that Ms. Bishop automatically resigned her Board membership at the time of her fraudulent election 34 years ago, and all these years she was not legally, by law the member of the Board, although she pretended to be. Conclusion: Ms. Bishop was not and is not LEGALLY the member of the Board, and she is not qualified for any future elections.   

Therefore any issues related to her claim of her Board membership are her personal legal issues, not the Board issues, and any and all legal expenses related to this question should paid by her personally, and not by the Condo Board. 

Your legal fees payment agreement with Ms. Bishop is illegal, it has no legal power, and you should not be paid for these services out of the Condo money. I feel that it is my obligation to alert other owners to these issues and to prevent the payment of Ms. Bishop’s personal legal bills under the guise of the Condo’s legal expenses. 


Michael Novakhov – 6:58 PM 7/3/2023

See a copy of Mr. Aizin’s letter here: scan_legal1 

See a copy of the Condo’s Bylaws here: By Laws 2900 Ocean Condo 

See Also this post and the copies of the liens against Grace Bishop’s property: 

Liar, liar, pants on fire! In our opinion, the present Condo governing bodies are illegitimate: “Grace Bishop did not pay her maintenance, had liens filed against her and lied about it to get elected: Election Fraud!!! Contact your Brooklyn District Attorney if you have additional information about kicks backs / profit splitting.” 

Opinion from Stacy Makhnevich, who discovered the existence of liens: 

“Bishop said during the meeting in May that she paid the liens. Nobody knows if this is true or not. The most important thing is that :
She never disclosed that she had the liens (paid or unpaid doesn’t matter)  during 2015 board meeting when she was elected as President.
The election fraud is her non disclosure making the election illegal.” 


If Ms. Bishop wants to get engaged into legal battles, let her pay for it herself!

Dear Friends and Fellow Owners: 

Ms. Bishop hired a lawyer, Michael Aizin, to defend her in this conflict, but she pays these legal expenses from the Condo money, not her own. Last year she spent $7,000, and likely much more in hidden legal expenses. This is your money! If she wants to get engaged into legal battles, let her pay for it herself! You do not have to pay to defend the liar and the crook! We will start a petition which will prohibit her from spending the condo money on her personal legal defense. Join us! 

Michael Novakhov | 5:50 AM 7/3/2023 

Copy of the Second Letter from Mr Aizin, emailed on Jul 3, 2023, 8:40 AM 2900 Nova 7.3 lett

See a copy of Mr. Aizin’s letter here: scan_legal1 

See a copy of the Condo’s Bylaws here: By Laws 2900 Ocean Condo 


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