Condo Board Elections Featured Posts Updates

Update and Nominations

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I would like to remind the owners that the originally formed, on the emergency basis, “Temporary Board” is renamed into the Acting Board and is merged with the Nomination Committee. It is now called “The Acting Board and Nomination Committee”. It will exist and function until the permanent Board is formed after the Election. The old Board ceased to exist and is dissolved. Any power moves, emanating from its remnants, are nothing more but the moans of mortal agony, and are ILLEGITIMATE. Ignore them and wait for the new election results. I also would like to remind the owners that Grace Bishop will not run in any future election: she is permanently disqualified due to the lying and deceptions in the previous elections, and the persistent pattern of inability to discharge her duties stemming from her lack of moral and psychological fitness for this position. See details in the previous posts. 

Projected Time frame: 

By 7.15.23 to mail out the election Ballots; by 8.15.23 to count them. By 9.1.23 to complete the transition to the new property management Co. 

I nominate the following persons to the Board: 

  •  Unit 1L – Dementyev, Eugene 
  • Unit 2D – Guo, Wei Zhen
  • Unit 3P – Ryabin, Dmitriy 
  • Unit 4H – Leon Studzienko 
  • Unit 4M – Makhnevich, Stacy 
  • Unit 4E – Khavkin, Aleksandr 
  • Unit 4P – Pavel Burgansky  
  • Unit 5E – Novakhov Michael 

This list will be updated as needed. I expect the new election to be held soon, within a month. I think, the best format will be the regular mail and open (not secret) ballot. Please, continue sending your suggestions and nominations. 

Michael Novakhov | 9:05 AM 6/23/2023

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